Health Education
The school nurse is an individual who bridges the gap between healthcare and education. If students have medical needs that require accomodations ot particiate in a school setting, the scohol nurse will collaborate iwth that parent or guardian, healthcare provider, and school personnel to devleop individual health plans ot meet he students' health needs during the shcool day. This includes, but is not limited to, nursing procedures, medication management, and emergency care planning. Nurses prioritize their day based on types of medical issues that students have within the individual schools.
The school nurse is an advocate for quality care, which leads ot better academic achievement for our students. In Giles County Schools, nurses are assigned to specific schools and oversee the school health clinics to ensure student health needs are met and the spread of communicable diseases is minimized. If your child is setn to the clinic for evaluation, the school nurse will complate an assessment to determine if the student is safe to return to class or needs to be sent home according to our illness guidelines and/or communicable disease policy.