School Lunch Costs
Costs for the 2024-2025 School Year
Student Meals at No Cost
Student Breakfast and Lunch will be at no charge for School Year 2024-2025 due to Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
Adult and Visitor Meal Prices
Staff Breakfast $3.00
Staff Lunch $5.00
Adult Visitor Breakfast: $3.00
Adult Visitor Lunch: $5.00
Holiday Meals for Adult Visitor Lunch: $7.00
Students Not Attending Giles County Schools
Breakfast: $3.00
Lunch: $5.00
A La Carte Items
A la carte items may be purchased in addition to a school lunch at the prices listed below:
Student second Breakfast $3.00
Student second Lunch $5.00
Extra Fries $2.00
Vegetable $ 1.00
PBJ $ 3.00
Extra Sandwich $4.00
Chips $ 1.00
Cereal Bar $ 1.00
Muffin, small $ 1.00
Muffin, large $ 1.50
Snack Cracker/Cookie $ 1.00
Raisels or Craisin $ 1.00
Cereal Bowl $1.00
Large Cereal Cup $1.50
Pastry $1.00
Milk ½ pint carton $.50
Ice Cream $ 1.00
Diet Soda $1.50
Juice, small $ 0.75
Juice 4.23 oz $ 0.75
Juice 6.75 oz $ 1.00
Water small $ 0.75
Rice Krispie $ 1.00
Water Large $ 1.00
Water Sports $ 1.50
Gatorade (High School) $1.50